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Ventriloquist's in Ministry

A Ventriloquist wears many hats entertainer, puppeteer, comedian, teacher, and in ministry. Today I want to talk about the Ventriloquist in Ministry. The role of the Ventriloquist is a little different than that of the comedic Ventriloquist, who is going for the laughs and that's their job and Vents Like Jeff Dunham are great at what they do. The Gospel Ventriloquist wants the laughs and fun, but don't want the message they are bringing to be drowned out. As a gospel ventriloquist I work to balance the funny and the message in keeping it fun for my audience.

My journey as a Ventriloquist started when I was teaching children's church in Green Valley Arizona, at the time I wasn't doing puppets at all I was just teaching the kids with biblical curriculum . What changed for me was a missionary to the Philippines was home on sabbatical and he worked with kids. He came into my room for children's church and did some of the children's ministry lessons that he did, but the inspiration didn't come until that night when I saw during our 6 pm service what he really did, he had a full size horse puppet it was alive and singing and I was inspired, hooked I knew I had to incorporate puppets into my ministry.

Soon after that another came to our church he also did puppets so I talked with him and found out about Maher Studios and I got there contact info got their catalog and in it was the world famous Maher Ventriloquism course. Soon after I ordered it and started my journey to being a Ventriloquist, it took 3 months to get the basics and I loved every minute.

My church family were so surprised when I was able to show the what I could do one of my friends called me a gospel double talker, well he was almost right gospel belly talker to be more like it.

Each one of our Ventriloquist journey's is different we all got into Ventriloquism for different reasons, but lets face it -----it's just plain cool and fun and unique and there's nobody in our immediate circle like us. SO keep on venting, ministering, entertaining, and teaching, and inspiring those who come after us.

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